Victoria Brown, aka Viola Mae Brown, aka Vicki Garrison. April 20th 1931 – April 27th 1988.
Victoria Brown shares her personal lifetime relationship with God and His command to be His messenger and record His Words of Truth to be shared with all of humanity.
Victoria at the age of 2.5. Notice the rope burns on her wrist.
Victoria was born on April 20th 1931 in Springfield, Louisiana to Sherman and Linnie Brown. On the way to the hospital the car broke down under a Magnolia tree in the middle of the night during which her mother gave birth to Victoria Brown. During the birth Linnie developed an infection which caused her to suffer a long and painful illness that eventually took her life after 2 years of suffering. Victoria was neglected as a baby and toddler and was given away by her father who resented her because of his wife’s death, to an elderly gentleman. This elderly gentleman’s name was Lem Stovall and his wife Mary. They at the time were in their early 80’s. They took care of Victoria for approximately six months when Victoria’s father met a woman and remarried. At the age of 2 1/2 is when her stepmother started abusing and torturing Victoria, because she resented her. Several times she attempted to take Victoria’s life but only through the grace of God did she survive those attacks and beatings. Volume I of God’s Truthful Truth’s explains in the first part of the book in detail about my mother’s birth and her early childhood.
Victoria at the age of 7.
After a couple years of being abused and tortured Victoria’s adoptive mother was placed in a mental institution and declared insane. Victoria’s father then gave her back to Lem and Mary Stovall who took her and raised her traveling across the country with a group of gypsys, finally ending up in Lindale Texas where Victoria attended Elementary School and graduated from Lindale High School in 1949 where she received a Scholastic scholarship from the University of Interscholastic League at Kilgore Texas for her acting and singing skills. Victoria’s adopted mother Mary became ill and Victoria had to decline the scholarship to care for her who was in her late 90s and soon died. Victoria continued to stay and care for Lem, her adoptive father who was also in his late 90s, who died when Victoria was 17 years old. At the age of 18 Victoria met and married George Weldon Garrison and had three children where they resided in Dallas Texas.
Victoria at the age of 14.
Victoria won her Scholarship, but had to turn it down.
Victoria Brown at the age of 42 when she started writing God’s Truthful Truth’s.
Victoria Brown started writing God’s Truthful Truth’s at the age of 42. For the last 15 years of Victoria’s life she recorded God’s Words of Truth until her early death at the age of 57 on April 27th 1988. On her deathbed she spoke in tongues to her daughter Diane, which left her with the understanding that she would preserve and protect and eventually publish these very special and important writings.
30 years later, God spoke to Diane and told her to start typing the handwritten writings. For three years Diane typed non-stop and upon completion of the last page, God spoke to her again telling her to send them to Christian Faith Publishing. Within 10 days they responded saying that they were very interested in Publishing these writings. In total there are 6 volumes, the first, Volume I “Running out of Time” is now published with Volume II “Lost for lack of Wisdom” soon to be released and shared with all of humanity to raise our higher consciousness to the understanding of God and the purpose of life itself.
Diane Garrison
Messenger and co-author of God’s Truthful Truths